Friday, May 22, 2009

Walking in Pittsburgh

I have been trying to figure out how I can start a walking routine in my very limited available time. I hate the idea of only walking on weekends but I cannot find a solution that I think will really work (or maybe I am just making excuses. if you think so, let me know). I almost wish I hadn't moved. My old neighborhood made for perfect evening walks. Right now, if I leave my house and walk in any direction, I come to an enormous hill. I wouldn't be such a wuss about hills but I'm pretty sure my out of shape self will crash when it comes to pushing the stroller and 20lb kid up and down all those hills for a short walk. The other issue with my neighborhood is that it really isn't that safe. In the evenings, there are always a lot of suspicious people hanging around. The convenience store has gotten robbed. And, in the year I have lived in my apartment, there have been 3 fights and one ridiculously drunk/high woman on my front lawn. My solution: I could go to a park. Sounds like a good plan, right? Sure, except that evening is rush hour, it takes forever to get anywhere and I LOATHE traffic. From the time i pick Taevin up from daycare, I only have an hour and a half to two hours with him. In that time, we have to accomplish dinner, bath, cuddles and then bed. It seems like adding a trip to a park in that limited time is going to really mess up his evening schedule. I'm just not sure what I can do. But at the same time, I feel like I am making excuses.


  1. I get what you mean. You live in a sucky area. Move home. That neighborhood is perfect for walks. lol Sorry I couldn't resist.

    We'll walk a lot when we start out commune.

  2. What about going to a park straight from daycare? Even 30 minutes would be good. Or just walk halfway up the hill? And work your way to more?
